Price: around $1.14
Purchased at: Walmart/Kroger
These are my favorite spices to cook with! I originally found them at Kroger but I've also found them at Walmart. You'll find them on the Mexican aisle at both stores. What they are is little cubes of spices in a foil wrapper. They remind me a lot of the chicken bullion cubes my mom used to buy when I was a kid. I've found them in four varieties- onion, garlic, chipotle and cilantro.
I love Chipotle's cilantro-lime rice and I make it a lot. So in passing by these little boxes of awesome, I stopped to take a look and decided to give them a try. I tossed a cube of cilantro in with the boiling water/lime juice and cooked the rice as usual. Twenty minutes later, I had amazing (maybe better than Chipotle's) cilantro-lime rice! I've also used the chipotle flavor in rice. It's got a slight kick to it and it has great flavor!

The onion and garlic varieties add a wonderful flavor to soups.
It's always best to add them to a liquid (so they'll dissolve) unless you grind them up really well. Then they fare just fine in anything.
At $1.14 at Walmart, you just can't beat it. A jar of dried cilantro will run you between $3-4 easily so this is really a steal. Give them a try and let me know what you think!
A side note: for some strange reason, Knorr does not have these on their website. I can't imagine why because they're amazing. They DO have recipes on their website that use them as ingredients though. The only thing I can think of is that because it's considered a "Mexican" product, it is not listed on their regular website. I looked for an international site and was unable to find anything.
If you can't find them in your grocery store, you can find them for sale online easily by either using or going straight to and searching for "Knorr minicubes."
Happy cooking!